Local Attorneys With International Experience

Hafa adai and welcome to the McDonald Law Office Blog

On Behalf of | Aug 9, 2019 | Firm News

Here, not only do we discuss important local developments in the law, we provide resources for you to explore opportunities and avoid issues.  The topics we focus on are:


In ALL THINGS PROCUREMENT, you have a one-stop shop for all available notices for Government of Guam agencies’ procurements.  We also provide resources for further research or information.  If you have a question or wish to discuss something, feel free to fill out the form below or call us.  We will get back to you as soon as possible.  We hope you will visit us regularly to catch up on ALL THINGS PROCUREMENT.


At McDonald Law Office, our commitment to island residents and their businesses is unmatched.  Here you will find a one-stop shop for public notices that relate to procurements by Government of Guam agencies, including announcements of new procurements, as well as important public notices and developments in the award.

All Things Procurement:

Local procurements have a long legal history, are very technical, and require good interaction with the agency and procurement professionals.  We have fulfilled the legal training requirement and have experience handling procurement legal issues at various agencies, the OPA, the Superior Court of Guam and the Supreme Court of Guam.  Our attorneys take pride in their professional and local relationships and will bring you the most cost-effective advice, counsel and legal representation.

If you have a specific issue or question, are responding to a bid or other procurement request, have an issue with a procurement package, or could use assistance with an agency, we will help.  Just send your questions in the form below or call our office.

Bidder’s rights and legal recourse under the procurement law are time sensitive.  It is a good idea to act fast if you think you need assistance.